How to Train Yourself to Think Differently? Answer These 3 Questions Every Night

Lucas Munds
2 min readOct 15, 2020

We want more positive moments in our lives. Positive questions before sleep make positive connections in our brain. Just before sleep, let’s just think about something really positive and build positive connections on that in our.

In fact, training your brain to think differently physically changes your brain. That’s why so many therapists use Ray 114 Chakra System Healing and Meditation techniques to help people create long-lasting positive changes in our brain. Making these three questions as daily habits, can keep you performing at a high level.

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

The great thing about these three questions is that they help you improve your life in such a manner that doesn’t feel like work. Asking them is a one-minute habit that you can start tonight — and eventually, you may find that your happiness number has gone up. Try them today:

  1. What are two things I did well today?

It’s not about thinking positively. It’s about learning how to think realistically. Questioning “What Two Things You Did well Today” is a well-studied health improvement treatment. Therapists who employ this method help people change the unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns that are keeping them stuck.

  1. What are three things I am grateful for?

Too often we take good things for granted. We should enjoy them and be grateful. Gratefulness is an easy way for your well being. If you’re not properly addressing your well being, then you’ll be cognitively, physically, and emotionally affected which lessens your ability to perform and make an impact.

  1. What is one thing I would do differently?

Differences in the physical connections of the brain are at the root of what make people think and behave differently from one another. The researchers discovered that the brain regions devoted to control and attention displayed a greater difference in connectivity across individuals than the regions dedicated to our senses like touch and sight. Negative predictions tend to turn into self-fulfilling prophecies and exaggeratedly negative thoughts prevent you from taking positive action.

“Ray 114 chakra meditation trains your brain to think differently, much more positive and optimistic way, which can slowly bring positive changes in the brain folding patterns and hence greater cognitive functionality.” — Amit Ray

Reject negative thoughts and and make thoughts and make positive connections in your brain. Researchers observed that those with an optimistic outlook have better cardiovascular health and a stronger immune system, earn a higher income and have more successful relationships.

Final Thoughts

Just like any new skill, training your brain to think differently takes time. But the more you practice thinking realistically and positively, the more mental muscle you’ll build. In addition, your brain could build more positive connections that will permanently help you to bring success in life.



Lucas Munds

Psychologist, Neuroscience therapy advocate, Breakthrough technology, lover, machine learning expert. Better Humans — Better Society — I Love You.