Emotions, 114 Chakras and Brain Connectivity Analysis

Learning Outcome: Emotions and Brain Connectivity Relationships

Lucas Munds
3 min readJan 30, 2021

“It is not the isolated left-brain or right-brain regions but the connectivity of the 72,000 nadis and the 114 chakras drives the human behavior.”— Sri Amit Ray

Human have so many emotions. The primary five emotions are: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness are respected by the body and brain. Sometimes you experience several emotions at once and that sometimes it is necessary to control a feeling and not to act on it. This process is called emotion regulation.

The chakras — the energy centers and the nadis — the energy channels, in the body are the key instruments in human body to regulate the human emotions.

Chakras and the Human Emotions

According to the Sri Amit Ray, the pioneer of Compassionate Artificial Intelligence, there are 114 chakras and 72000 energy channels in human body. According to his teachings of the ancient traditions of nadis and chakras, emotions are processed by many different areas of the brain and body. There is not just one place that is responsible for processing an emotion. Several brain regions and body regions like Gut and brain work together as a team.

Emotions and Homeostasis

There is a close relationship between emotion and homeostasis. Homeostasis, the tendency for all living things to maintain a stable internal environment. Homeostasis occurs without conscious control . It is a shifting of neural and chemical processes around a “happy” set point. The process of feeling emotions requires the participation of brain regions, such as the somatosensory cortices and the upper brainstem nuclei. Homeostatic emotional states such as feelings of tranquility, well-being, happiness typically reflect underlying states of physiological homeostasis.

Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash

Chakras are energy centers. Although most people have heard of seven chakras, but in 2015, Dr. Amit Ray rediscovered the 114 in the body. In his book the Science of 114 chakras, he classified them based on emotions and mental states.

Emotions and the Brain Regions

Our emotions and behaviors are much more than the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, the cingulate cortex, the hippocampus, and the basal ganglia area.

The amygdala, the insular cortex, and a structure in the midbrain called the periaqueductal gray are the three key brain regions, normally considered closely linked with the emotions. The amygdala has connections to other bodily systems related to fear, including the sympathetic nervous system.

What is critical to understand is that there are many regions in brain and body involved during emotion processing. Ray, identified these regions as chakra.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, emotions are feelings that are processed by a group of chakras and the energy channels. Emotion processing is a complicated process, which sometimes does not work so well. Difficulties with emotion processing and regulation are found in people due to blockages in the chakras and the energy channels.

Using structural and functional neuroimaging techniques, we can study the chakras and the energy channels of the emotion processing network of the brain are different in the people with aggressive behavior.



Lucas Munds

Psychologist, Neuroscience therapy advocate, Breakthrough technology, lover, machine learning expert. Better Humans — Better Society — I Love You.