15 Top Manifestation Quotes To Manifest Anything You Want

Lucas Munds
4 min readDec 23, 2020


15 Top Manifestation Quotes Buddha, Amit Ray, and others

You can have the best things of life that you want. If you have a clear and organized mind. Manifestation is not a single event, but a daily routine.

These 15 manifesting quotes will help you to organize your mind and boost your manifesting ability.

These quotes are from the people of great wisdom. They should help you and guide you on the path of better understanding manifestation and work in your favor.

Learn to connect with the silence within. Sri Amit Ray Manifestation Quotes
Learn to connect with the silence within - Sri Amit Ray Manifestation Quotes

“Learn to connect with the silence within. Everything you want to manifest is waiting there to sprout.” — Sri Guru Amit Ray

Meditation and Manifestation

Meditation is one of the key element of manifestation. The famous spiritual teacher and author Sri Guru Amit Ray, popularized the effects of deep meditation and helped countless people change their lives for the better.

In one of his most inspiring manifestation quotes, he tells us to relax and remove the blockages of the 114 chakras and to maintain the equanimity of the mind.

“Alpha stage creative meditation is the Gateway to your divinity and the subconscious mind. It is the key to manifestation.” — Sri Guru Amit Ray

“Positive attention is the key. When your attention is right, you will thrive and flourish. The universe, moment to moment builds the pathways for the attentions to manifest.”— Sri Guru Amit Ray

“Stop waiting for somebody to elevate your game. You are already equipped with everything you need to manifest your own greatness.” — Germanyy Kent

Manifestation Needs Actions

“You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward” — Don Miguel Ruiz

“No matter what it is, if you really want it, and if you get out of the way of it, it will happen. It must be. It is Law. It can be no other way. It’s the way this Universe is established. If you want it and you relax, it will happen.” — Esther Hick

“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.” — Richard Bach

Manifestation and by Looking Inside

“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.” — Rumi

“Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head” — Lisa Nichols

“The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that’s what life is.” — Abraham Hicks

Manifestation and the Subconscious Mind

Often our subconscious part of the brain limits our abilities and keeps us away from abundance by distracting our attention. And that where we need to naturally reprogram the subconscious mind to lead us to the natural state of abundance.

“Get rid of the disbeliefs and the mental blockages. Create the positive vibrations and allow the universe to co-create the reality and manifest your intensions.” — Sri Guru Amit Ray

“Mind is like a magnet. Equanimity and a positive frame of mind is the garden for manifesting the seeds of intentions.” — Sri Guru Amit Ray

Manifestation and your Intention

Your intention is the key. Intend that your dreams manifest at your will. Manifestation doesn’t require an effort but being focused on what you desire. Intention gives a clear direction to your desire. By being focused, you say to the energy where it should go.

“Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive, because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.” — Mahatma Gandhi

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” — Buddha

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” — Albert Einstein

Manifestation by Removing the Mental Blockages

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Manifestation occurs when the biological rhythms are tuned with the universal rhythms. They are controlled by the 114 chakras and 72000 nadis — the energy channels. “ — Sri Guru Amit Ray

Summing Up

These fifteen manifestation quotes from the people of great wisdom and world leaders can help and guide you on your path of positivity and daily manifestation. If you open your mind and understand the spirit of the quotes. You will reach your goals.



Lucas Munds

Psychologist, Neuroscience therapy advocate, Breakthrough technology, lover, machine learning expert. Better Humans — Better Society — I Love You.